News: GUD News: Puzzles Are Good For Your Brain!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Jigsaw PiecesToday in #gudhalloween GUD's out to scare your brains--in a good way! The wonderful Toni Andrews recently pointed us to a fun tool for waking up our readers' brains (and promoting GUD Magazine too, of course, ahem ahem). Hey, it's better than eating your brains!

Over at Jigsaw Planet we've made some puzzles for you out of GUD's fantastic covers. Just to ease you in without frightening your brain too much, try this forty-piece one from wonderful Issue 0

It took us less than three minutes to complete. Not that we're trying to encourage you to compete with each other and post your times in the comments. We wouldn't do that.

If that one's too easy-peasy, I mean, not nearly scary enough, then why not try this one-hundred and twenty-piece version? That one took us, umm, well, it took us about forty-five minutes to finish, if you must know. We might feel slightly alarmed by our performance were we not convinced that whatever's been eating our brain is dead now. Almost certainly. We hope.

Unless, of course, it was already dead to start with.

And if you scoff in the face of that one, then we've even created a more fiendish version--it's go the same one-hundred-and-twenty pieces, but this time they've been plonked down any old how, which means you may have to rotate them before slotting them into place. We don't have a time for that one (not that we're worried about brain rot or anything), so there's an opportunity for you to post your times and put us to shame.

Just so the other issues don't feel left out (they start biting important parts of our anatomy when they get restless) here are some forty-piece puzzles we made for them, too.

Issue 1, Issue 2, and Issue 3, all under three minutes, and then tricksy but beautiful Issue 4, which took over three minutes.

How fast are you? C'mon, don't be scared!

- reddit, digg, facebook, stumbleupon, etc... please! ;)
posted by Debbie

2 comments; 4 subscribers

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 / 04:07:23

46 mins for the fiendish one!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 / 04:26:19
Woot! That's a time to beat :).

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